Driver App User Guide

FASTTRAK Driver App User Guide

Updated 2/6/2025


FASTTRAK has developed a mobile application to be used by drivers and greeters to manage trips directly from their smart phone. The primary focus of the Driver App is to support real-time updates both to the driver and directly back to dispatch and passengers via the FASTTRAK dashboards.

Driver App Usage

This section will walk you through the high-level usage of the application. As necessary, notes in blue will describe a specific setting that may impact the user experience. It will be up to the operator to determine what settings to select within Driver App configuration detailed in the Driver App Configuration section of this document.

Location Updates and Security Settings

The driver’s GPS location is highly dependent on the driver’s device and the underlying security settings as accepted by the user. The app will request permissions when running the app for the first time. If the driver does not accept the correct permissions, they will have to 1) venture into device settings to allow them or 2) uninstall/reinstall the app and accept when running the first time. 

GPS updates will occur both while the application is active (currently shown on screen) and inactive (running but not in view). However, the security settings to enable GPS location updates in these modes is not consistent across devices. The guidelines below will help in ensuring all GPS updates are sent to the server.

  • IOS: Both Always and When in Use settings should be set
  • Android: Allow Location
  • Android: Requires a different location (movement) to generate a GPS update.


IOS Security Prompt

Android Security Prompt

A final permission check has been added to the App when requesting permissions. If permissions have not been setup properly, the driver will see the message below every time the go on duty. This includes if the driver has not confirmed the Allow Always permissions. Otherwise, if permissions were setup successfully, the success message will be shown Once, after initial permission acceptance.

Note: Even though the FASTTRAK driver app asks for Allow Always permission, location updates will only be included when the driver is On Duty.  The Allow Always permission allows the FASTTRAK driver app to update location for On Duty drivers even when the app is in the background; i.e. driver in navigation app, messaging app, phone, etc.

Permission Success

Permission Failure


If the correct permissions have not been set, you can grant them after install by going into the devices location settings and add the FASTTRAK driver app with the Allow Always permission. However, operators and drivers usually find it easier to simply uninstall and reinstall the app from the store. This will reset app permissions and prompt the driver once again after login.


Logins to the Driver App are the same as Express. They can be configured from within Ultimate. If necessary, Express can be used to setup the user’s initial password (after reset) or change the user’s password. 


Drivers have the ability to save their login information by choosing the remember me option. If this option is set, the user will NOT be asked for username/password on login UNLESS they have explicitly chosen to Logout of the Driver App from the main menu. 


The operator can disable the ability to save logins via Driver App configuration.


If a driver has a default or expired password, they will be forwarded to the change password form. 


Note: All passwords expire every 90 days and must be changed after that timeframe.

On Duty/Off Duty

When a driver is on “On Duty”, his/her GPS location will be broadcast to dispatch and used on Dispatch and Passenger dashboards (per operator settings).


After login, the driver will be asked to go On Duty by default. As necessary after login, the driver has the ability to toggle On Duty and Off Duty by clicking the car icon at the top-right of the application. 


The  icon is on duty.


The  icon is off duty.


The driver will be prompted to confirm when going on duty and off duty.


System Message

The operator can choose to show a system message after each login via Driver App configuration.


Application Menu


The Application Menu is accessible via the option at the top-left of the application.


The following actions are available depending on System Global Settings:

  • Dispatch Messages: Send messages directly to dispatch (viewable within FT SMS Queue, if subscribed to FASTTRAK SMS).
  • Select Vehicle: Allows driver to select a vehicle so vehicle info is broadcast along with GPS.
  • Driver Schedule: will launch the Driver Schedule on the web to submit (if applicable).
  • Driver Pay: Will display the Driver Pay for the last 90 days (if applicable). 
  • Driver Web: Quick link to the FASTTRAK Express Driver Web application (if applicable). Note: this is a legacy permission that will be removed in 2025. 
  • Change Password: Allow the driver to change his/her password.
  • About: Displays support information including app version.
  • Log Out: Explicitly logs out of the driver application, forces the driver Off Duty and removes saved driver credentials.



License Agreement


The Driver App license agreement and privacy statement is accessible via the about screen; simply click the link.


Support information may sometimes be requested by FASTTRAK support. The information required will be available at the bottom of the hep page. This includes the Build Number which represents the version from the app/play store.

Driver Trip List


The Trip List screen is the main screen for the application and will display the most essential information for each job. Scheduling information is shown on the left banner. Passenger, vehicle, trip type and address information is available within the main section.

Jobs are color coded based on status:

  • Orange: Driver Scheduled (requires acknowledgment)
  • Blue:  Driver Confirmed.
  • Green: Active Status (En Route, On Location, On Board).
  • Grey: Dropped


Garage Time (if set) is specified in Orange.


Updated flight status (if subscribed) will be displayed along with airport/airline information.


Swipe Menu


The Swipe menu allows quick access to common actions.


If the trip status is Driver Scheduled, the trip list and swipe menu will show a . The driver can simply click this icon to acknowledge the trip.


Once acknowledged, a trip can be pinned via the

 icon.     This will pin the trip to the bottom of the page for quick access. This also adds trip information to all broadcast GPS information.


Note: The pin action can be disabled by an operator. If disabled, trips will be pinned automatically when the driver sets an active status.

Pinned Trip “Active Trip”


Once a trip is pinned, it will show at the bottom of the page on all views. The status can be changed to the Next status simply by clicking the Next” button. Otherwise, the driver can select a specific status by clicking the “…” button.


The  icon opens the default mapping application on the device and automatically maps the trip addresses.


The  icons allows the driver to minimize/maximize the pinned trip section.


The  icon will unpin the trip (if allowed).



Vehicle Selection


The Vehicle Selection is shown if the operator has required a vehicle upon login. Additionally, the driver can navigate to the Select Vehicle page via the options menu.


There are two additional options that a driver can select that do not directly relate to a vehicle in the system; “Driver Owned Vehicle” and “Continue Without Vehicle”.



Note: The operator can require the selection of a vehicle on login via settings.

Trip Detail Actions


The trip detail page header shows a series of buttons that allow specific actions on the current trip.


The icon allows the driver to message the passenger (Available if not an affiliate and passenger phone number is available).


The icon allows the driver to call the passenger (Available if not an affiliate and passenger phone number is available).


The  icon displays the driver Trip Ticket.


The  icon displays the driver Greet Sign.


The  icon pins/unpins the trip within the app.

Trip Detail


The Trip Detail page shows additional information for a given trip.  The sections are separated by accordions which can be closed and shown by clicking the  icon.


The current status is shown at the top of the page. It can be changed by clicking the Status button at the top right. If the trip is an arrival or departure, current flight information will be shown in the address bar.


The  icon refreshed Flight information.


The  icon shows the current flight map.


Note: The detail page will also show an Amount Due if the operator has enabled that setting.


Greet Sign


The Greet Sign allows the driver to choose a variety of options to display the greet sign. These options are available via the  icon at bottom right.


Once shown, options can be enabled/disabled via the settings toggle  button.


Note: Logo options are specific to the customer and company selected within the trip.


Rotating the device allows a landscape view of the greet sign.


Trip Ticket


The Trip Ticket view will display the Driver Trip Ticket. The view can be zoomed in/out, saved, etc. via the views menu options.


Note: The view may be displayed differently on different devices. This is dependent on the default application configured for the user’s device.

Driver Expenses


Additional charge items (expenses) can be added to a trip from the trip detail page.  


If additional expenses are available, the  icon will be available. Clicking this icon will show the add expense row, allowing the driver to select and add the expense.


Note: The cost and quantity can only be modified if configured as such within the pricing plan configuration.


The  icon saves the expense update.


The  icon removes the expense from the trip.

Trip Closeout


Drivers will not be presented with a trip close out page. Instead, drivers will have the ability to update notes and mileage through the trip from within the Trip Start/Closeout Info section, available from the Trip Detail page.


This information can be updated throughout the trip. The notes field is saved into Driver Notes. The mileage values are saved into the reservation mileage values. All information is available to dispatch form the costing screen.


Note: The operator can require this information for every trip via settings. 


Drivers can also update Return to Base as necessary form this section.

Dispatch Messages


The Dispatch Messages page is accessible via the options menu. From here, the driver can view and send messages directly to dispatch. These messages will be displayed directly within the FASTTRAK software, if subscribed to FASTTRAK SMS. 




Driver Schedule

 Drivers can add availability to the Driver Schedule by selecting +Add (if applicable). 

Driver Schedule (cont.)


Input the Start Date and time. If this is an all-day even check the box. Select the End-time. Add any notes for office staff in description. You can speed up the schedule process by using the Repeat option.





Driver Pay


Drivers can see Driver Pay for the last 90 days (if applicable).

(if applicable)

(if applicable)
