To create a grid, you will want to select the word Column on the far right of the dispatch grid, then select the columns you would like to see displayed. 

Once you have selected the columns you would like in your grid, you can drag and drop the columns where you would like them to be by selecting the HEADER name to move the column. 

Before going to any other screen, SAVE your grid by going back to the Grid Icon and selecting + Add Current as New button, then naming the grid and select ADD. 

Note: if you open a reservation, or change the screen before saving your grid, you will have to start over. 

A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a computer

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Additional Options for Grid Layouts

Once the Layout is saved, you can then select the 3-dot menu on the right of the screen to see additional options. 

  • Load this Layout – will load the layout for the time you are on the dispatch screen. Once you add a reservation, or change screens in FASTTRAK, it will revert to the layout prior to this one being loaded. 
  • Overwrite with current layout – if you have a layout, you saved prior and made changes to your grid that you want to save for future, this will overwrite the current layout to the ‘new’ layout you have created. 
  • Toggle this layout as Default – selecting this will make the dispatch layout load as your default view each time you login/change screens etc. 
  • Toggle this layout as Global – selecting this will make the dispatch layout view available to everyone in your company (they will need to log out and back in to see this change). 
  • Delete this layout – will permanently delete the layout as an option for both you and your team.