Payment Request Link (Reservation Deposit, Customer Deposit and Invoice Payments)

This article will describe how to setup and send a Payment Request. 

The PAYMENT REQUEST LINK can be sent for the following payments:

    RESERVATION DEPOSIT - A request can be sent from within the reservation in the ADD DEPOSITS area.  

    CUSTOMER PROFILE DEPOSIT - A request can be sent directly from a Customer Profile to future usage.

    INVOICE PAYMENT - A request can be sent from the Manage Invoices for specific Invoice.




After selecting the type of request the following window will ask for amount and where you want to send the request.  The TO will populate with the info from the reservation or you are able to manually enter information to send it to.  It can be sent to an email or cell#.  The amount being requested CAN NOT be changed by the recipient.  You are also able to send multiple requests for the same reservation or invoice if the customer is requesting to split the payment between different people or even different credit cards.

To review the PAYMENT REQUESTS use the EMAIL QUEUE and click on the PAYMENT REQUESTS tab.  You are also able to see the status of previous requests as well as cancel or send a reminder.  To view the actual link the customer is seeing you click on the PAYMENT RQUEST LINK option at the bottom of the screen.  Once the payment request has been paid you will receive an email indicating it has been paid.