Setting up the eAffiliate connection - FASTTRAK to FASTTRAK

This article will describe how to setup the eAffiliate connection between two FASTTRAK Companies.

This eAffiliate connection allows two companies using FASTTRAK to send and receive jobs electronically.  Keep in mind that this connection must be a two way connection.  

To initiate the connection go to the EMPLOYEE, AFFILIATES AND AGENTS section and select the AFFILIATES tab.   Click on the eAffiliate Setup button.

In the following window select from the list the Affiliate you want to initiate an electronic connection with.   Click the SEND REQUEST button.

The Affiliate the connection request has been sent will receive an alert at the bottom of their dispatch grid (NOTE: This is the same message you would receive if another FASTTRAK company sends you a request to electronically connect.)

The Affiliate will need to click on the alert and in following window they will see your request.  Highlight the request and VIEW REQUEST.  (The request may also be declined if you do not want to accept the connection.)  In the VIEW REQUEST window use the drop down options on the right to associate it to an existing Customer AND Affiliate.  If they have not previously been added to the Customer or Affiliate lists you may add directly from this window.  Customer + who is sending the reservation to you.  Affiliate = to who you are sending the reservation.  When this information is completed click on the SETUP eAFFILIATE button.

After this has been completed the Company that initiated the the request will receive an alert on their dispatch grid.  They will need to accept on their end as described above.

Now that you are electronically connected to another FASTTRAK company you may assign them as the driver on the main dispatch grid and the reservation will show on their dispatch grid.  Status updates will be automatically updated on your screen.  

The information that is sent between affiliates can be controlled in the AFFILIATE profile.

You are also able to see which companies you are connected to on the grid.