Audience: CEO/Owner, General Manager
Read Time: 15 Minutes

This guide will provide an overview of the Global Settings section in InVision. This area controls defaults when entering new Customers and Corporate Clients as well as emails and SMS text messages.

Companion Video - Global System Settings

This section should be reviewed prior to entering your Customers and Corporate Clients.


General Tab

System Time Zone - This will be defaulted to the time zone where your company is registered.  If you would like to change this setting you may use the drop down option to select your appropriate time zone.

Backup Settings - You should change this password to a password you are able to easily recall.  This password is required to enter the Backup Website in the highly unlikely even that Microsoft has a total failure.  FASTTRAK does a snap shot of your data every 15 minutes that allows you to access that information.  the information displayed on the backup website is a READ ONLY view but allows you to see your future jobs.  NOTE:  This info is emailed to you every night with an EXCEL spreadsheet listing your future reservations.

Flight Tracking:  If you are subscribed to the flight tracking provided by FASTTRAK the service will be pre-populated.  

Flight Verification:  Select the option that best suits your operations as to how a flight is verified when saving a reservation.  NOTE:  the most common selection is Allow Both Manual And Automatic.  This setting allows you to verify the flight when trying to save the reservation but still allows you to save after prompting you the information is incorrect.

Early and Late Flight Warning:  Set the time you want the warning to appear on the Dispatch Screen for early and late flights.


 Global Document Options:

  • Show Water Mark On Reports:  Displays CANCELLED in the background of a cancelled reservation.
  • Always Hide Trip Ticket Pricing:  Overrides other settings and will hide all pricing on all Trip Tickets.
  • Show Audit Information On Trip Tickets:  This option adds to the bottom of Trip Tickets an area for Drivers to manually enter times and mileage.
  • Use Web View When Viewing Reports:  Unchecking this option will present documents using your default .pdf viewer. (Not Recommended)

Profile Default Document Options:

These settings are the default settings that will be set in the profile when adding a NEW Customer.  Each of these settings can be changed at the Customer level to accommodate different Customer requests.  Each of these tabs should be reviewed prior to entering your NEW Customers.


Base Charges,  Additional Charge 1,  Additional Charges 2 :  You may change the labels as displayed in Reservations and documents in this section.

Reservation Options: These settings control different behavior when creating new reservations.  Hover over the blue i to see what each setting does in more detail.  These should all be reviewed prior to usage of InVision.  

End-Time Rounding,  Driver Pay Hours Rounding,  Actual Time Calculation :  Select the method of how your organization calculates pay and costs.

Blackout Dates:  Use the ADD option to set Blackout dates for new reservations.  You may blackout reservations entered directly in InVision, Online and through Web Services.

Standard Discounts:  Discount 1 and Discount 2.  Enter a description and an amount.  Select percentage or fixed amount.  By checking the option to enable a discount will be added to each reservation.  If discounts are not added to each reservation leave the amount as zero.  This will allow the user to add an ad hoc discount on reservations.  It is recommended to select both a percentage and fixed amount so the user can add either to the reservation.  If the amount is left as zero the discount will not display on documents but will be in the reservation if later you decide to offer the customer a discount.  NOTE:  Each Customer profile is able to have a specific discount amount which would be automatically applied to all reservations for the specific Customer.

Auto-delete quotes:  This is the number of days after a quote is scheduled a quote will be automatically deleted from the system.  NOTE:  You will receive a copy of the deleted quote emailed to the email in the section for Deleted Reservations.


Status and Driver Assignment:  These settings will determine what happens when you assign a driver to a reservation.

Additional Dispatch Options:  Select the options which best suit your Operational procedures.

Auto-Drop Options:  Enable nightly auto drop will set the status to dropped of all reservations from the previous day.  You can set the time based on your operations hours.  

Status Color Keys:  You can change the status colors as displayed on the main dispatch screen by clicking on the current color and selecting a new color.


New Customer Default Options:  These are default settings that will be selected when adding a New Customer Profile.  These settings may be changed at the Customer level to accommodate specific Customer needs.

Invoice Late-Payment Fees:  If your company automatically adds late fees to unpaid invoices based on the setting in the above section select the Late Fee Option form the drop down list.

Statement Run/Setup:  Select the method you want to run Statements.  Options are either Auto or manual.  By selecting Auto, the system will automatically create statements and email on a scheduled interval.

Invoice Build Options:  This section controls if a billing address is required when creating invoices, if an invoice message prompt appears when creating a new invoice and if you allow mixed collection details on invoices in the Assemble area.

Time and Charges Delivery:  Checking this option will automatically send a request for time and charges to affiliates if the reservation does not have a status of Dropped at midnight.  Select the interval and end time using the options.

Deposits:  Checking this option will auto send a deposit receipt the customer when adding a deposit to either a reservation or customer profile. 

Reservation Transition to Billing:  

  • Allow transition of completed reservation setting controls how long a dropped reservation remains in dispatch before billing can take control of the reservation.
  • Auto Apply Reservation deposits will apply the deposit to an invoice on creation and move remaining balance to the Customer profile for later use.
  • Do not move cancelled reservations to billing until after Pick-up will leave future jobs that have been cancelled in the dispatch area.
  • Automatically move completed jobs to Billing will move all reservations with a status of dropped to the billing area to allow billing to finalize and cost without manually moving to billing.


Employee Pay: Check the options to display Reservation totals, Actual Hours and Billed Hours on pay reports.  If you do not want the drivers to see this information leave the options unchecked.

  • Calculate pay using both Employee and Pricing Zone Settings will use the driver pay rates AND the fixed amount associated with each Point to Point.  If there is a pay rate in the Point to Point and you ONLY want that to be the pay amount and not calculate pay based on the employee profile, leave the option unchecked.
  • Checking the option to Show Pay Hours on Dispatch will display the number of hours a driver is already scheduled for the current week.  This allows the dispatcher to dispatch jobs equally among the drivers.

FASTTRAK Driver App: Review and select the appropriate options prior to using the Driver APP.  This section is further detailed in the DRIVER APP SETUP article.  

Driver Schedule and availability: This section is further detailed in the DRIVER SCHEDULE AND AVAILABILITY article.

Configure Driver Actions: This section is further detailed in the DRIVER ACTIONS article.


Trip Updates

  • Common Settings:  Controls what is included in SMS messages.  
  • Pre-Trip Reminders:  Controls times and info sent to Customers, Affiliates and Drivers. 
  • In Process:  Controls information that is sent to the Customer/Passenger.  (Driver name, cell#, vehicle info etc.)
  • Post Trip:  Allows a THANK YOU message to be sent to the Customer when the reservation status is set to DROPPED.  Each Customer has an over ride setting to turn this off if they do not wish to receive the Thank You message.

Confirmations:  In this area the user can change the Subject line and Body of Confirmations, Updated Confirmations, Cancelled Confirmations and Quotations.

Affiliates:  In this area the user can change the Subject line and Body of all communication to Affiliates, both Farm In and Farm Out.

Billing:  In this area the user can change the Subject line and Body of Invoices.

New Customers:   These are default setting when adding a NEW Customer profile.  These settings may be changed at the Customer profile if the Customer is requesting different settings.  These settings include confirmations, cancellations, invoices, reminders and status updates.

Copy Email Settings:  Enter the email address for each of the documents you would like to be copied to.  Each section may have different emails.  For instance you may want invoices copied to a billing email address and confirmations copied to a reservations email address.